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wsfn governance
Governance Plan
The purpose of the Governance Plan (GP) is to identify how key governance and administrative aspects are undertaken to ensure the successful delivery of the program. It assists to outline the structure and processes for decision making and consultation within the Wheatbelt North and Wheatbelt South Region Regional Road Groups (WN & WS RRGs), their respective Sub-Groups and Local governments. It addresses who has the responsibility for decision making on specific components. The GP provides a framework and guidelines for operation for all members of the WSFN Program. It outlines how key administrative roles associated with the program management such as stakeholder engagement, funding acquittal, project development and delivery and the general correspondence is to be undertaken.
The Governance Plan:
Provides for strategic leadership and direction for the WSFN,
Ensures that timely, fully informed decisions concerning the implementation of the Program are made at the most appropriate level,
Ensures that the Program maintains on-going funding support,
Provides oversight and guidance, and
Fosters accountability and transparency.